The rules for the league are:
- Play the best 2 out of 3 games.
- Game 1 and game 2 are played to 15 points.
- Game 3 (if necessary) is played to 11 points in a non-handicapped league.
- Game 3 (if necessary) is played to 15 points in a handicapped league.
- You need not win by 2 points (15-14 or 11-10 wins the game).
- First serve alternates from game 1 to game 2 regardless of who wins game 1.
- The player who gets the most total points in games 1 and 2 serves first in game 3.
- The winner of the match should report the scores using the web based "Report Scores" function on the appropriate league page.
- Unless previously arranged, if an opponent has not arrived by the scheduled start time then they are considered to have forfeited the match.
- It is up to the player who shows up to post a forfeit via the website with (the player who shows up) as the winner. The players can also reschedule the match by mutual agreement.
Information about forfeited matches.
- A forfeit is defined as a match that was not played due to the fault of one participant.
- With a forfeit, one player will be listed as the winner with a score of 15-0 15-0.
- A forfeit may be declared for many circumstances, including, but not limited to the following:
- A participant does not show up for a scheduled match as listed on this web site and did not let the other participant know in advance he was unable to play.
- A participant has made repeated efforts to schedule a past due match but the other participant is unable or unwilling to play the match.
- To indicate a forfeit match
- Place a check next to the defaulted winner.
- Place a check next to "Check here if this match was a forfeit.".
- Enter the reason for the forfeit in the comments section.
- Click on Post Score.
- It is not necessary to enter a score for the games.
For general detailed racquetball rules, click on the links button above.